Rocket Science Behind Hangovers
Rahul Desai |
11 Jan, 2006 |
About one min read

For those less fortunate who didn't get to study biology in their higher secondary school (unlike we blessed Gujarat State Board Science students, who were forced-taught the frog's anatomy and millions of organisms - in parallel to deal with tedious Pythagoras), here is a Sunday-morning special. Ladies and Gentlemen, presenting: The technical explanation of a phenomenon called "hangover"!
Anatomy of a Hangover
All but the saintliest of us have been office party casualties, waking up with a raging thirst, pounding headache, wobbly limbs, and nausea. As the party season looms, our body fights and usually lose the self-induced chemical assault of a hangover.
Hangover Symptoms
- Fatigue, weakness, and thirst
- Headache and muscle aches
- Nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain
- Decreased sleep, decreased REM (rapid eye movements), and increased slow-wave sleep
- Vertigo and sensitivity to light and sound
- Depression, anxiety, and irritability
- Tremor, sweating, and increased pulse and systolic blood pressure
Some handy Tips
- Spacing out alcohol intake to a peg an hour
- Having sports drinks, such as Gatorade, PowerAde, and Red Bull Popping charcoal chaser pills
- Avoid crocin because it taxes the already overworked liver
- Drinking lots of water, fruit, or tomato juice
- Having acetylcysteine pills
- Eating a fatty breakfast with fried eggs, bacon, or cheese