Quick 15, Favorite 15

There was this note by my cousin - Khushbu on Facebook some time back about listing fifteen books (in a really short span of time with some other wacky (whacky?) ‘rules’). One of the rules talked about listing ‘the first fifteen books I’ve read’. One, it was really hard remembering fifteen book titles, let alone having read them. Two, what's the point?
Anyway, so here’s the list of the first fifteen book titles I could recall. I’m afraid I haven’t completed reading them all, but that’s not mentioned as mandatory in the ‘rules’. So I’m good. Here’s the list. (Oh, here are the ‘rules’ for convention's sake.)
Rules: Don't take too long to think about it. List fifteen books you've read that will always stay with you. List the first fifteen you can recall in less than 15 minutes. Tag friends, including me, because I'm interested in seeing what books my friends choose.
- Bedtime Mailbox - Dr. A Bakthavatsalam
- Being Indian – Pavan K Varma
- Buddha, His Life, and Teachings - Osho
- Business Lessons for Entrepreneurs - Mark D Csordos
- Company of Women - Khushwant Singh
- Death at My Doorsteps - Khushwant Singh
- Dhirubhaism - A G Krishnamurthy
- Five Point Someone - Chetan Bhagat
- From Sex to Superconsciousness - Osho
- Gandhi: A Sublime Failure - S. S. Gill
- Gandhi, Gandhism and the Gandhians - Thomas Weber
- India Unbound - Gurcharan Das
- Indian Muslims – Where Have They Gone Wrong? - Dr. Rafiq Zakaria
- Notes to Myself – Hugh Prather
- Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle
- The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari - Robin S. Sharma
- Train to Pakistan – Khushwant Singh
- Wings of Fire - Dr. A P J Kalam
(Oops! That makes it eighteen. Chuck the rules!)